I mean, it's alright but it's a little too soft for my tastes. Like, the world is already way too focused on making things "lighter" and more "friendly", and Newgrounds was (well maybe it still is if you look far enough) the sole exception. People make fun of "dark" and edgy" shit even though some people unironically like it. So really, yes I know that this is an alternate timeline/universe, but it's not something that I would usually enjoy. I'm more into the early 2000's to mid 2010's style content, something that defines Newgrounds and it's iconic characters.
Other than that though, I do like the character development of the other Goth kids, it definitely makes them look like less of caricatures of the stereotypical school shooter stereotypes and more like actual characters. And one other thing, I may sound offensive but bear with me.
I dunno, sure Tom Fulp kinda ships em' but this does seem a little like it's pandering to Friday Night Funkin' and it's fanbase for being one of the only things to make Newgrounds and Pico relevant again. Like we get it, the FNF fandom (like most other fandoms) has to have at least one obligatory yaoi ship, but the main problem (for me at least) is that ships usually ruin most things for me. Seriously, it doesn't matter what kind of ship, but I'm not into that type of stuff.
Sorry for the long-ass tangent, but long story short; It's okay if you're not a fan of the aesthetic and aspects of the original Pico's School or if you like both, but if you're more of a classic Pico fan then I don't really recommend this. TLDR; It's meh.